Nearly forgot
Meh. It is 22.20, I got lost on a forum. Hey, some parts of the Internet (especially forums) are nearly as addictive as tvtropes.
And I'm tired. Have I done something creative today? Except my job, I mean? NO! Well I took a walk and thought about dragons. Have not written on my story or anything.
The father of the family celebrated birthday today, so we have eaten cake, and then I babysat the kids when the adults were out. Made up a story about a T-rex called Dino, who learns about the important things in life (for your information it was food, shelter and company). The kids interupted my story with own ideas, who resembled mine. I'm too tired to think about it now, but it makes interesting thought material. Hmm.
Had a fun dream tonight, I dreamed I was singing Nu tandas tusen juleljus, but with a different text. Then my mobile alarm rang and I had to get up. Hehe, I wrote that in Swedish first, that would have been strange to read.
Have my day off tomorrow, will probably be writing. And sleeping.
Good night
And I'm tired. Have I done something creative today? Except my job, I mean? NO! Well I took a walk and thought about dragons. Have not written on my story or anything.
The father of the family celebrated birthday today, so we have eaten cake, and then I babysat the kids when the adults were out. Made up a story about a T-rex called Dino, who learns about the important things in life (for your information it was food, shelter and company). The kids interupted my story with own ideas, who resembled mine. I'm too tired to think about it now, but it makes interesting thought material. Hmm.
Had a fun dream tonight, I dreamed I was singing Nu tandas tusen juleljus, but with a different text. Then my mobile alarm rang and I had to get up. Hehe, I wrote that in Swedish first, that would have been strange to read.
Have my day off tomorrow, will probably be writing. And sleeping.
Good night
Postat av: Anna
Jag sparar dom tills du kommer hem, för Karin den lilla räven ska inte få NÅN ;@.
En trea, vet inte hur många kvadrat, men stor är den iaf :) Sovrummet är färdigtapetserat, ser ut som .. en dröm. Hehe!
Postat av: karin
Kan skicka den över mejlen! Men den är skitkass, bara så du vet ;)
Postat av: SkrivarSara
@Anna: Sa snallt:) Far se lagenheten nar jag kommer hem, ocksa
@Karin: det e darfor jag vill lasa den, for att se om jag kan foresla forbattringar:P
Postat av: Anna
Meh, får Sara läsa men inte jag .. Jag har tjatat svinlänge om att få läsa den och ge förslag på förbättringar!! Mejla den till mig, Sara ;)