Random ramblings

Guess what I dreamt about? That I had written half of the blog in English, and half in Swedish. Strange dream, and I let it be that way, bilingual.

Lazy even in my dreams, that's me.

Made lunch today, pork stew with lots of spices (thyme, sage, parsley, black pepper and salt), and mached potatoes with basil. Quite good, and they liked it:D

Is the door to the garage supposed to be open? It's freezing. And it is a bad weather today, it was blowing like hell when I woke up, and now it is raining like... mad. Not in mood to go out.

Hehe, sent money to my mother, finally. One thing done.

Can't believe it's Lucia today! I sung Christmas and Lucia songs when I worked in the kitchen, but that doesn't substitute the real thing. And truly, even if it's only a few weeks to Chrismas, I have no Christmas feelings at all. 

I have to close that door, the cold is killing me *dies*.

Resurrected. But it's still cold:(  

I haven't been writing on Sleeping Beauty for a while, I have the inspiration of writing on my big project. But yesterday, when my free hour begun to end, I felt a bit silly and named places and people as Geggamoja, Potati och Moroto. Yes, I wa tired. A bit.

Tomorrow is my free day, so hopefully I place the pen on the paper and write something.

See you soon, and don't get lost on tvtropes.



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