Sunday work
Sitting at the computer and have a break in the Sunday work, with Ola's Brothers at youtube:). Have just came in from a walk, and have nearly done all my household chores, only ironing is left.
I can't believe it's four days to Christmas, but I have seen the turkey, and it's BIG.
Are now listening to Magnus Uggla. Well, I like him, especially this song, Forsta gangen:)
But he doesn't beat Christmas songs.
Do you think I wrote something yesterday? NO! I'm so lazy sometimes. Not always, sometimes. Well, quite often. But not always. Have to do some writing today, if I got the inspiration. And if I not got the inspiration, I will write anyway. You have my promise.
Can anyone from Sweden tell me what this year's Adventskalender is called? I know you're quite old, but you should at least have read the newspaper about it. I'm curious.
Christmas decorations are up, gifts are wrapped, food is bought... soon it's Christmas time!
Merry Christmas!
I can't believe it's four days to Christmas, but I have seen the turkey, and it's BIG.
Are now listening to Magnus Uggla. Well, I like him, especially this song, Forsta gangen:)
But he doesn't beat Christmas songs.
Do you think I wrote something yesterday? NO! I'm so lazy sometimes. Not always, sometimes. Well, quite often. But not always. Have to do some writing today, if I got the inspiration. And if I not got the inspiration, I will write anyway. You have my promise.
Can anyone from Sweden tell me what this year's Adventskalender is called? I know you're quite old, but you should at least have read the newspaper about it. I'm curious.
Christmas decorations are up, gifts are wrapped, food is bought... soon it's Christmas time!
Merry Christmas!
Postat av: I.J
skägget i brevlådan heter julkalendern :P haha har dock ingen aning om vad det handlar om eftersom jag ser på stargate istället den tiden.. hehe så man skulle lätt kunna tro jag är åtta år gammal i alla fall ;) ;)
Postat av: Anna
Snarare 45-50.
Postat av: SkrivarSara
Var inte elak, Anna:P