I'm here again

I have to confess, I forgot to write yesterday. Saturday was no fuss, I didn't be at internet.

Anyway, nothing much interesting have happened. I've written a bit on The Fog, past the difficult bit. Now I have unknown land before me. Will write after this.

I got an A on the text about the news article at college. Proud:). I walked to college today, from the bus station, but a class mate drove me and a couple of others to the town centre afterwards. That happens sometimes.

Went around the galleria, trying to find a present to the girlfriend. It's her birthday this Thursday. I didn't find anything, and I was hungry, so I went home. Seriously, so many bus lines that are cancelled, it's a wonder the company haven't been sued yet. I will, if I'm staying long here.

Did some household afterward, then I cooked some macaroni for me. Now I will go to my room. 

Good night


It's raining, but the forecasters apparently says that it will be snow tonight. POOR Brits 

Postat av: Anna

Faktiskt det vi ska göra :) Fanns inget annat alternativ. Men fan vad trögt att det inte går att hitta ett svart barbord!! : ) GODNATT . Ska till IKEA på söndag ;)

2009-02-09 @ 23:34:33
URL: http://annsopanso.webblogg.se/

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