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Been in the town today and bought a new coat, blank papered note book, a book with chinese military classics (including Art of War) and presents to the kids (books. Want to promote reading). The coat is white, with no pockets, but looks nice anyway:D.
Guilty, hasn't written much today. Was in town and then there has been so much noice here. But the night is yet young so maybe there will be something. Somehow, my protagonists have ended up in pseudo-Atlantis. Hehe.
Have an urge to write on my old world-building story, thats why I bought the blank paper note book. Thinking about my unique writing system I'm planning. The only problem is the grammar.
Working tomorrow, there will be a big roast apparently. So go.
Guilty, hasn't written much today. Was in town and then there has been so much noice here. But the night is yet young so maybe there will be something. Somehow, my protagonists have ended up in pseudo-Atlantis. Hehe.
Have an urge to write on my old world-building story, thats why I bought the blank paper note book. Thinking about my unique writing system I'm planning. The only problem is the grammar.
Working tomorrow, there will be a big roast apparently. So go.