Hehe, not me. My collegue is setting chairs together for a puppet show or something. I'm sitting here and surf on internet to see if there has been any updates. Not many except Malin playing Blondinbella:P and OOTS, which had the Monster in the Darkness in it. Before that, I finally paid for my plane ticket. sorry, but I did not see the sms until today.
The kids make a film with their plush puppies, but I don't know how it goes. Now my collegue has taken over a roll, and the boy has the camera. Funnier:P
Was at college today, quite OK. Then I went shopping a bit. I know, I said I shouldn't buy more books but I did. Dunno how good they are.
Wrote a bit before college, Melinda the witch's character. Haven't finished it yet, will try today.
Made a fully acceptable ham stew (skinksas och pasta) yesterday, the kids liked it :D.
See you!
The kids make a film with their plush puppies, but I don't know how it goes. Now my collegue has taken over a roll, and the boy has the camera. Funnier:P
Was at college today, quite OK. Then I went shopping a bit. I know, I said I shouldn't buy more books but I did. Dunno how good they are.
Wrote a bit before college, Melinda the witch's character. Haven't finished it yet, will try today.
Made a fully acceptable ham stew (skinksas och pasta) yesterday, the kids liked it :D.
See you!
Postat av: Anna
har du överfört pengar till mathias ? GODNATT :)
Postat av: Malin aka. BlondinBella ;)
Skinksås och pasta e gott. Du kanske kan få laga det åt mig nån dag. Hehe.
Så du är fortfarande flitig läsare på min blogg? Men ändå inga kommentarer.. ;) Har satt upp typ 700000000000000 bilder nu också. Kanske inte så många ;) Men nästan! Bl.a på filmkvällen med mig och Sandra o Annso som jag berättade om.. Bättre sent än aldrig, right?
Postat av: Malin igen
Jo.. förresten. Sjuan och alla nollor. Visst blir det sju hundra tusen miljarder? Försökte räkna men vet inte om det blev rätt. Kolla!