And my official favourite animal is henceforth a bat

Most bats are insects-eaters, around a fourth eat fruits, some eat meat and nectar, and a few are vampires and drink blood. There are in general two kinds of bats, megabats and microbats, megabats are called fox-faced bats and eats mostly fruits. Microbats are the ugly ones. 
They navigate in darkness by sending out sounds, but most bats have excellent vision. They are one of the most common mammal groups, with various species all over the world, exept in deserts and the polar areas. They lives mostly in caves, but have recently moved nearer humans, due to our expansion, and is the only mammal that is a real flyer.

And their wings are similar to how I imagine dragon wings, which is why I researched them yesterday. Yes I am a dragon nerd. But dragons are cool. I came across a cute picture with white bats.  The fox-faced one are cute too. ADMITT IT OR I CURSE YOU WITH BATS! And you don't need to say I'm crazy.

Heh. Are planning to write about dragons sometimes, so I need some reserarch. I want to do my dragons as scientific as possible. Is wikipedia the right place for looking for information? My dragons lives in caves.  And have lices. And like water. But that's about all I knew about them.

My day of, haven't done much, exept been eating, taking a walk and sitting here, looking at blogs. Including my own:P Are planning to write on my big story soon, if I have inspiration. My feet are cold.

Because I have quite an uninteresting life, I will finish now.

See you soon!




Postat av: Bloggtjej (Malin)

Tycker inte längre att jag ser ett tryne på bilden. Jag ser flera trynen ;) och fladdermössen ser ut som Furbies ;)

2008-12-16 @ 19:29:21

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