My dear capital

Anna is trying to book tickets for me to Stockholm. If she can, it will be my capital now in May! Otherwise, her boyfriend will book the tickets, and it will be STHLM in May anyway! Strange, to do things with my sister. We've never been that close; on the contrary, I remember instances when I, for example, chased her out of the house in coldest winter. Well, well, with age cames wisdom, I suppose. I'm past the rebellious teens myself, so I suppose I'm wiser. Well, enough being philosophical.

Wrote six pages on the Fog today, so I'm on page 257. Going forward. I wrote a draft on the ending; I'm there soon, I promise. I've one mayor fight before the mayor mayor fight, so it shouldn't take more than hundred more pages:P. Ah well.

British summer time yesterday, so we moved the time forward. I was surprised with the kids, I thought they would sleep when I came and woke them up (I wanted to sleep, have had to drink three cups of coffee today), but they were awake and in the girl's bed, doing word search, the girl's favorite doing. The breakfast went smooth, except a small incident, but that was taken care of. 

Tomorrow is my whole day, and I have to do lunch. Shall see what I can find for meat, but I think I will do cous cous and a paprika thingy. Something between African and Chinese in the style. Well, we'll see what I make.

I'm trying to get a friend to understand Temeraire, but she claims there are more feelings in Twilight. Yes, I admit I should not judge a book I have not read, but to claim there are no deep feelings in Temeraire makes me a bit upset. She apparently had not read the scene in VoE when Laurence finally breaks down when Tharkay refuses to fight and he realises he can't keep going. Well, Temeraire rocks, and the feelings are deep and strong and as true as I want them.

Well, time to get to bed. Good night!


Insert headline here

Been in the town today and bought a new coat, blank papered note book, a book with chinese military classics (including Art of War) and presents to the kids (books. Want to promote reading). The coat is white, with no pockets, but looks nice anyway:D.

Guilty, hasn't written much today. Was in town and then there has been so much noice here. But the night is yet young so maybe there will be something. Somehow, my protagonists have ended up in pseudo-Atlantis. Hehe.

Have an urge to write on my old world-building story, thats why I bought the blank paper note book. Thinking about my unique writing system I'm planning. The only problem is the grammar.

Working tomorrow, there will be a big roast apparently. So go.


Easter holiday!

Really? Already? For me apparently, hehe. And I'm tired. As hell.

Sorry for the delayed update, been without internet for a couple of days.

As for easter holiday, it DOESN'T mean I'm not working; I do. Holiday from college that is. We did a practice writing test today, which went quite well. Afterward, I should have been buying a new coat for me, but no, I was too tired so I seated myself on the bus, that actually was at the station when I came there, and went home.

Have written a couple of pages today, but probably is too tired to write more. I've expanded the new character's back ground, which is quite interesting. She's a villain, by the way.

Well, have to go, hugs.



Hehe, have had picnic with the kids two days in a row now - the weather is so beautiful: warm, no clouds, flowers - and I just remembered that I have homework to do.

I climbed in a tree today, with the kids. Malin didn't quite believe me. I like trees

Haven't written on my Fog story today, are free tomorrow, so I'll do it then. Wrote five pages yesterday, and introduced a new character, Belle, who's a six-year-old girl. Iiiiiinteresting:P

Weighted me today, and hoga, what much I've recieved in weight. I promise, I'll begin to run in the mornings. When the ginger bisquits are finished, I won't eat any sweet. Not every day, at least. And try to avoid those late meals. I wish myself good luck.

I wish everyone good night, too, as I'm going to bed now. See you!


PS I hate when MSN logs me off automatically. This computer hates me


I'm trying to cut down my intake of sweets and such. So far, it has went quite well. But I'm still eating ginger bisquits. Those doesn't count. I love ginger. Made a creamy chicken with lemon and ginger a time ago, which went popular with the kids. Made something with chicken today, with oranges, cream, honey and cloves. Bit sweet but otherwise nice.

I'm writing, or should be. Sat down at the computer for eating my evening sandwish (my stomach is quite full) and are still here. Should go back to my writing soon.

If I can think, I'm quite tired. Haven't done much today, worked in the morning, went on a walk, wrote a bit, wrote again, walked again, sitting here. It's sunny and hot in this part of England. Poor people in Sweden still has snow in places:P

Well, see you soon.

Going to bed soon

The kids wet my trousers this evening when I gave them a shower! So now I'm sitting here in pyjama trousers, which is coooooold, especially when the front and garage doors are opened from time to time.

Otherwise, it has been quite a warm day. Gave finally up and walked without a coat. Bit windy, but I survives. Need a new coat, that is thinner than the one I have now, but I went around the whole town yesterday but couldn't find one. Bought a pair of new shoes thought. White this time, plimsolls I think they are called. No high heels, but nicer-looking than the trainers I occationally use.

Have had a two days break from writing the Fog story, because I've been so damned tired. I wrote like hell this Saturday, came upp to page 200! Now I'm on page 205, wrote six pages today:). Tomorrow is my day off, but also college.

Now I'm soon going to bed, shall take paracetamol because my stomach is aching, and try to write some sentences more. See you!


Here again

Hello, someone missed me? I know, I should be here more, but I'm sometimes too lazy to uppdate.

The Fog story is almost running out of my hands - nearly pg 200 (187) and no end right  now, except that it draws nearer. I think I was a bit optimistic saying that it will be ready next week. But hopefully at the end of teh month, or teh beginning of next, I'll have finished - the first draft, that is.

College is fine, we're still working on water. I was a bit late with an essay, but that's OK. We're doing a survey about something - mine's about reading. I think I've said that. When it's beautiful weather, I'm walking to and from college, but from now on, I'll use my trainers, because I got very bad blisters from the new shoes. Not fun, so now I've bought plasters, just in case.

Family's fine, more or less. I'm off today, working tomorrow, and the family is away on an excursion, so it's quiet in the house. I made a very nice chicken stew the other day - the kids enjoyed it greatly:D. I'm beginning to be a good cook, I think - I dare to try, and trust my instict. Hehe, enough braggering. Now I'm going back to The Fog.

See you in some time!


Missed me?

Anyone correct me, but I think I'm reusing headlines again.

Fog story goes forward, but I haven't inspiration to write anything today, I think. Written some sentences today, though.

Was beautiful weather when I woke up, but when I was about to go to college, it blew, and was cloudy. English weather is UNPREDICTABLE. Anyway, it didn't rain at least, and so I arrived to college. The bus ticket is now 30p more expensive :( not fun. And I didn't do the requested homework. On the upside, the bus trip is much easier later on the day, as there are no traffic jams and the buses are in time. Heck, I've even had to run for the buses two times. At college, we got more homework, some questions to ask people for a survey. I'm asking people about reading. My teacher called me predictable. I walked back to the bus station, it was windy but I saw the sun. I saw a guy that talked to me last week, and he nodded at me. Wonder if I will meet him again... no comments.

Now, I'm just tired and are about to leave the computer. Pew, didn't plan to sit this long, but a lot of people chatted with me:D

Well, see you another time!



Ok, what should I write about? The Fog story is about and around, running out of paper in my note book today. Wrote nine and a half pages yesterday, it's amazing. Will write after this.

Is chatting with my best friend. She has a few things to say.

Was on my lesson today, we moved a town:P Only on paper thought. It stormed yesterday, but it was sunny but chilly today - very beautiful.

Nothing much has happened. Will write when I got news or something.


Sometimes, my brain's quite slow. You have to cope with it

I'm here! About time, isn't it. Have been quite busy writing on The Fog. I'm on page 117! One problem, though - I'm soon running out of paper in the book I'm writing in. Solution: I have other books. Problem number two, I'm soon running out of ink in my favorite pen, and that's a more serious trouble, because I haven't seen a similar pen here.

Could anyone send me a supply of Pilot Rexgrip, with fine point? Black, please, and remember it should be a fine point - there's an F behind the name. M is for medium point, but it's too big for my tiny writing. I hope someone understand what I'm talking about. I can't write with a medium pen, it has to be a fine one with black ink. And a supply means more than one, btw. Five would do. Thanks.

If I will be a writer, it should be ideal that I could read. But can I? I thought that the date for applying for a university started in February for the autumn season, but it starts March 16! Well, there's nothing wrong with my computer then - the computer I use, that is. Two more weeks to go, then.

I was with the mother, my colleague and the kids, roaming around the country side today, then we went to the mother's place and ate a chocolate cake. Tasty. I wrote 4.5 pages on The Fog today, which is bad for a day off. But - I saw more of the area around my town, and that's quite nice. A change of view is always welcome. Tomorrow is another day off, but I go to college then. First day at Level 2! We'll see how it goes.

Going to sleep, or something, so have a nice evening.



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