Sometimes, my brain's quite slow. You have to cope with it

I'm here! About time, isn't it. Have been quite busy writing on The Fog. I'm on page 117! One problem, though - I'm soon running out of paper in the book I'm writing in. Solution: I have other books. Problem number two, I'm soon running out of ink in my favorite pen, and that's a more serious trouble, because I haven't seen a similar pen here.

Could anyone send me a supply of Pilot Rexgrip, with fine point? Black, please, and remember it should be a fine point - there's an F behind the name. M is for medium point, but it's too big for my tiny writing. I hope someone understand what I'm talking about. I can't write with a medium pen, it has to be a fine one with black ink. And a supply means more than one, btw. Five would do. Thanks.

If I will be a writer, it should be ideal that I could read. But can I? I thought that the date for applying for a university started in February for the autumn season, but it starts March 16! Well, there's nothing wrong with my computer then - the computer I use, that is. Two more weeks to go, then.

I was with the mother, my colleague and the kids, roaming around the country side today, then we went to the mother's place and ate a chocolate cake. Tasty. I wrote 4.5 pages on The Fog today, which is bad for a day off. But - I saw more of the area around my town, and that's quite nice. A change of view is always welcome. Tomorrow is another day off, but I go to college then. First day at Level 2! We'll see how it goes.

Going to sleep, or something, so have a nice evening.




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