The voyage home has begun

And that was present perfect I think. No, I'm not going home but I'm beginning to plan the trip back. Waiting for my best friend's reply - hurry up, there!:P

You know that you've been too long in England when you begin to think ......@ hotmail DOT com. And I don't know how that happened.

I which the weather gods could decide the weather and let it stand by that; now it begun with very sunny this morning, then it quicky became cloudy, then sunny with sin clouds and now cloudy again. Meh.

College's fine, we were talking about and analyzed present perfect and past simple (verbs) and I asked my teacher, after the lesson, about mountains and deep seas. I'm planning to do some pre-research about a bit of everything, from mountain ranges to biology to the physics of birds to war and warcraft. Pretty interesting, uh? Well, see you!



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