New Categories and an Update


Now I've created the new categories. Here they are with an explanation and comments if needed:

Current Story: Dragon's Tail - A story set in a pseudo-India country about a boy and a dragon he takes care of. One of the stories that currently holds my attention - I have a tendency to leave a story unfinished, but hopefully, it won't be the case of Dragon's Tail, as it is a good story.

Current Story: SIFAD - Save it for another day, that means. It is a story, I don't know how long it will be, about two young men in a middle of a magical war. For both CS's I will either put updates under one of the categories, if I have been working on them separately, or under Updates!!! if I have worked on both for some time.

Love Stories - Sometimes I gets a whim and write about love. Don't ask me why, but when I updates the progress on one of them I'll put them under this category.

My BIG Project - AKA The Age of the Philosophers, a fantasy tale in another world I'm working on. It is big because I'm creating a whole world, with religions, cultures and languages (one is under the first stages of development, others I have an idea about). Will probably take some years to finish the project.

Other Projects - For example my Fog story. Can get a whim and work on it from time to time but it is more or less sleeping right now. Other projects falls under this category, if they are new or sleeping the living death or something.

Poetry - Won't probably publish poetry often, though.

Read This Book - For when I publish a review.

Read This Story - For when I publish one of my stories. Read and comment them, please, and tell me what you think is good or bad.
Updates!!! -  For when I uppdate the progress of more than one thing, or when I put up new things.

Various Stories - Stand alone short stories that doesn't have their own category when I put updates on or publish them on my blog.

That's my rules. I may change some of the categories as I seem fit.

Now for an update on Save it for another day: Wrote around one and a half page yesterday, but it didn't happen too much. I got the thought that I have to incorporate a lot of elements I haven't there: background of the war, general background of the institutions and traditions of the world (difficult as I just have gone ahead this time and just started with the story, not any of the character profiles or other pre-studying), also a greater sense of urgency (right now everyone is going around crying) and sense of scale of the battle between the Light and Dark side.

Well good thing is that I'm in the beginning - at page ten. I have focused mostly on dialogue and not much narrative, and it tends to get long-winded. On the other hand, much important information can be conveyed in dialogue, but the problem is to make that realistic. For what reasong is the Lord Mage telling Rebastian that the Order may have revoltionary plans, for example? And how much information should be given, and how? I think I have to incorporate more narrative. In Dragon's Tail, Kriath, the protagonist, have internal thinking, but neither Rebastian nor Alonais have.

I'll finish this scene and then think about how to follow up. Maybe it's best to write the whole story straight and then go back and change. That's my usual way, but I seldom comes that far;P.

Well, have to go. Personal stuff may make me update less frequently than wished for, but I'll try what I can.



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